(c+2)^2 -1

factor completely

(c+2)(c+2) -1

i don't know what to do next. Can you help me please thank you

Foil the equation if you don't know what foil it multiply the First Outer Inner and Last terms within each parentheses and then simplify.

After you foil you will get c²+4c+4-1.
Then just simplify again and you will get c²+4c+3

thank you

Of course! To factor the expression (c+2)^2 - 1 completely, we can start by rewriting it as (c+2)(c+2) - 1.

Next, we expand the expression (c+2)(c+2) using the distributive property. Multiply each term of the first binomial, c+2, by each term of the second binomial, c+2:

(c+2)(c+2) - 1
= (c*c + c*2 + 2*c + 2*2) - 1
= (c^2 + 2c + 2c + 4) - 1
= c^2 + 4c + 4 - 1
= c^2 + 4c + 3

Now, we have factored the expression completely as c^2 + 4c + 3.

If you have questions on factoring further or any other topic, feel free to ask!