325 meters in 28 seconds? can you show me how to do this.

325 meters in 28 seconds

What are you supposed to find?

Do you want to know how many meters in 1 second?


Certainly! To calculate the speed, which is typically measured in meters per second, you need to divide the distance traveled by the time taken. In this case, the distance covered is 325 meters and the time taken is 28 seconds.

So, to find the speed, you divide 325 meters by 28 seconds:

Speed = Distance / Time
Speed = 325 meters / 28 seconds

To calculate this, simply divide 325 by 28:

Speed ≈ 11.61 meters per second

Therefore, the speed of the object is approximately 11.61 meters per second.

round to the nearest tenth if necessary. 325 meters in 28 seconds