Choose them compound inequality that represents all real numbers that are less then -3 or greater than or equal to 5.

To represent the compound inequality, we can write:

x < -3 or x ≥ 5.

So, the compound inequality that represents all real numbers less than -3 or greater than or equal to 5 is:

x < -3 or x ≥ 5.

To represent the compound inequality that includes all real numbers less than -3 or greater than or equal to 5, we need to combine two separate inequalities using the logical operator "or" (represented by the symbol "∨").

1. The first inequality represents all real numbers less than -3: -∞ < -3
We read this as "x is less than -3".

2. The second inequality represents all real numbers greater than or equal to 5: x ≥ 5
We read this as "x is greater than or equal to 5".

Combining the two inequalities using the logical operator (∨), we get the compound inequality:

x < -3 ∨ x ≥ 5

This compound inequality includes all real numbers that are less than -3 or greater than or equal to 5.
