which of the following was important about the city of savannah in the settlement of early Georgia

A. it was laid out in a beautiful and orderly manner
b. It was on a high bluff which was good for defense
c. It was on the water
d. all of the above ******

which of the following would describe a hardship of early Georgia life

a. disease from alligators
b. cold and rainy weather
c. clearing tree roots from the farm land*****
d. bad relations with the creek Indians

my answers are the ones with the (*****) by them

pleaseeee help somebody

I agree.

To determine the correct answers to the questions, let's go through the options and their explanations:

Question 1: Which of the following was important about the city of Savannah in the settlement of early Georgia?

A. It was laid out in a beautiful and orderly manner.
B. It was on a high bluff, which was good for defense.
C. It was on the water.
D. All of the above.

Explanation: To find the correct answer, we need to consider the characteristics and importance of Savannah in the settlement of early Georgia. To do this, you can use historical knowledge or conduct a quick online search. In this case, all of the options listed are indeed important aspects of Savannah's significance.

A. Savannah was laid out in a beautiful and orderly manner. This is true because it was meticulously planned and designed by James Oglethorpe, the founder of Georgia, with a grid plan featuring squares and green spaces.

B. Savannah was on a high bluff, which provided a strategic advantage for defense. This is also accurate, as the bluff offered a natural barrier against potential attacks from enemies.

C. Savannah was on the water. This is true as well, as it is located on the Savannah River and was a crucial port for trade and transportation during the settlement of early Georgia.

D. All of the above. Since all three options mentioned (A, B, and C) are correct, the correct answer to this question is indeed D. All of the above.

Question 2: Which of the following would describe a hardship of early Georgia life?

A. Disease from alligators.
B. Cold and rainy weather.
C. Clearing tree roots from the farm land.
D. Bad relations with the Creek Indians.

Explanation: To identify a hardship of early Georgia life, you need to consider the difficulties that early settlers in the region experienced. Again, you can use historical knowledge or research the specific challenges faced by early Georgia settlers.

A. Disease from alligators is not a common hardship of early Georgia life. While alligators have been present in some parts of Georgia, they were not a widespread cause of disease.

B. Cold and rainy weather is certainly a possibility. Georgia experiences varied weather conditions, including colder and rainier periods, particularly in certain seasons. However, it may not necessarily be considered a significant hardship compared to other options.

C. Clearing tree roots from the farm land is a more accurate choice. Georgia's dense forests and rich vegetation posed challenges for settlers, especially in terms of clearing the land for farming and cultivating the soil.

D. Bad relations with the Creek Indians could also be a hardship faced by early Georgia settlers, particularly if conflicts and tensions arose with indigenous tribes.

Based on these considerations, the correct answer to this question is indeed C. Clearing tree roots from the farm land, as it represents a specific challenge in early Georgia life.