In a rhombus length of diagonal are 400m,410m

To find the length of the sides of a rhombus given the lengths of its diagonals, you can use the following formula:

Side length (S) = (√[(d1/2)^2 + (d2/2)^2])

Where d1 and d2 are the lengths of the diagonals.

In this case, the diagonal lengths are given as 400m and 410m. So, we can substitute these values into the formula to calculate the side length:

S = (√[(400/2)^2 + (410/2)^2])
= (√[(200)^2 + (205)^2])
= (√[40000 + 42025])
= (√82025)
≈ 286.02m

Therefore, the length of each side of the rhombus is approximately 286.02 meters.

What is the question?

In a rhombus the length of diagonals are 400 and 410 metre find area and side of rhombus