1)Line RS bisects PQ at point R.find RQ if PQ =14 centimeters.

2)line JK Bisects MN at points J. Find MN if JM = 6 3/4 feet.
3) point T bisects UV IF UT = 4 1/2 yards.

Line M bisects PQ at point R. If PQ = 11, draw a figure and find PR=

To find the length of RQ, MN, and UV in the given scenarios, we can make use of the concept of a bisector.

1) Line RS bisects PQ at point R. This means that the line RS divides the line PQ into two equal parts. Therefore, we can say that RP = RQ. Given that PQ is 14 centimeters, we can say that RP + RQ = 14 centimeters. Since RP = RQ (as R is the bisecting point), we can substitute RP with RQ and rewrite the equation as 2 * RQ = 14 centimeters. Solving this equation, we find that RQ = 7 centimeters.

2) Line JK bisects MN at point J. Similar to the previous scenario, we can say that JM = JN. Given that JM is 6 3/4 feet, we can say that JM + JN = 6 3/4 feet. Since JM = JN (as J is the bisecting point), we can substitute JM with JN and rewrite the equation as 2 * JN = 6 3/4 feet. To find JN, divide the right side of the equation by 2, and we get JN = 6 3/4 feet ÷ 2 = 3 3/8 feet. Therefore, MN = 2 * JN = 2 * (3 3/8 feet) = 6 3/4 feet.

3) Point T bisects UV. Similarly, we can say that UT = TV. Given that UT is 4 1/2 yards, we can say that UT + TV = 4 1/2 yards. Since UT = TV (as T is the bisecting point), we can substitute UT with TV and rewrite the equation as 2 * TV = 4 1/2 yards. To find TV, divide the right side of the equation by 2, and we get TV = 4 1/2 yards ÷ 2 = 2 1/4 yards. Therefore, UV = 2 * TV = 2 * (2 1/4 yards) = 4 1/2 yards.

1) If line RS bisects PQ at point R, it means that R is the midpoint of PQ. To find RQ, we need to divide the length of PQ by 2 since R is the midpoint.

RQ = PQ/2 = 14/2 = 7 centimeters.

Therefore, RQ is equal to 7 centimeters.

2) If line JK bisects MN at point J, it means that J is the midpoint of MN. To find MN, we need to double the length of JM since J is the midpoint.

MN = 2 * JM = 2 * 6 3/4 feet.

To add 6 3/4 twice, we can convert it to an improper fraction:
6 3/4 = 27/4

MN = 2 * 27/4 = 54/4 = 13 1/2 feet.

Therefore, MN is equal to 13 1/2 feet.

3) If point T bisects UV, it means that T is the midpoint of UV. To find UV, we need to double the length of UT since T is the midpoint.

UV = 2 * UT = 2 * 4 1/2 yards.

To add 4 1/2 twice, we can convert it to an improper fraction:
4 1/2 = 9/2

UV = 2 * 9/2 = 18/2 = 9 yards.

Therefore, UV is equal to 9 yards.