From which of the following Native American periods has the least evidence been found in Georgia?

A. Paelo-Indian
B. Archaic
C. Woodland
D. Mississippian

I think A?

I agree.


You're welcome.

I say A

id go with a too

To determine the Native American period from which the least evidence has been found in Georgia, we need to understand the characteristics and historical significance of each period and compare the availability of archaeological evidence. Here is an overview of each period along with explanations of how to find evidence:

A. Paleo-Indian: This period dates back to around 10,000 to 8,000 BCE and is characterized by small nomadic groups of hunter-gatherers who relied on megafauna (large animals) for subsistence. To find evidence from this period, archaeological sites associated with Paleo-Indian culture can be explored, such as Clovis or Dalton points, which are primitive spearheads.

B. Archaic: This period spans roughly from 8,000 BCE to 1000 BCE and features technological advancements in hunting tools and the development of more settled, semi-nomadic communities. To find evidence from the Archaic period in Georgia, you can search for archaeological sites that include tools like projectile points, pottery fragments, and animal bones.

C. Woodland: The Woodland period occurred from approximately 1000 BCE to 900 CE. During this time, Native American communities began practicing early agriculture and established more permanent settlements. Evidence from this period can be found in archaeological sites with artifacts such as pottery, stone tools, shell ornaments, and evidence of mound construction.

D. Mississippian: The Mississippian period is from around 900 CE to 1600 CE and represents advanced and complex Native American societies. In Georgia, the Mississippian culture is manifested by fortified towns and extensive maize agriculture. To find evidence from this period, one can explore archaeological sites containing temple mounds, ceramics, stone tools, and other artifacts associated with the Mississippian culture.

To determine which period has the least evidence in Georgia, one would need to examine archaeological studies and reports on each period to see which one has the fewest artifacts and sites recorded. It is important to consult scholarly sources or reach out to archaeologists specializing in Georgia's Native American history for the most accurate information on the availability of evidence.