-3(x+3)=-3(x+1)-5 how to solve for x please help / the answer has to be 6,,,-6,,,all real numbers,,, or no solution .???????????????????????????????????????

First distribute the -3 into(x+3) and he -3 into(x+1)

Ok what next

Then you solve for x

You should have gotten this when you multiplied


Oh ok so is it no solution or real numbers? I think it's real numbers


+9 +9

-3x = -3x+1
+3x +3x


No Solution

Do you see how I got this?

Where does the second 9 come from?

I was adding 9 to both side in order to solve for x. What you do to one side you must also do to the other.

Oh I totally get it now thank you so much and also thank you for all your time I relley appreciate it God bless you🌼

You're welcome :)