1. What were the major beliefs of Judaism and how did they influence Western culture?

A: The major beliefs of Judaism were monotheism and righteousness. These Jewish beliefs became markers of the Western tradition: human beings are separate from nature and must struggle against it; human beings have. particular relationship to a Supreme Being, who watches over them.

2. How was Islam meant to complete what Judaism and Christianity had begun?

A: Both Christianity and Judaism were monotheistic: they believed in one God, not many. Islam religion, per Quran revelation to prophet Muhammad by God through the angel Gabriel, completed the role of these two previuos religions. Islam corrected deviations that were introduced in Christianity and Judaism by some to implement their own ideas and thoughts. In addition, Quran, as the last God holy book, detailed the morals and the rules for life that should be considered by all believers in God--Christians and Jews.

Pls help!!!!!!! I am a connexus student and these aren't very helpful!!!!!!!!!

The question is: The origins of most Jewish beliefs come from which text?
A. Avesta
B. Standard of Ur
C. Talmud
D. Torah
Like I said, I am a Conexus student, and pls I beg u help me, I REALLY don't wanna fail!!!!!!

I understand why I wrote. However, I am not sure whether my answers are correct.

I understand what I wrote. However, I am not sure whether my answers are correct.

2. Both Christianity and Judaism are monotheistic: they believe in one God, not many. Through Quran revelation to prophet Muhammad by God through the angel Gabriel, Islam completed the role of the two other religions. Islam corrected deviations that were introduced in Christianity and Judaism. In addition, Quran, as the last holy book, detailed the morals and the rules for life that should be considered by all believers in God--Christians and Jews.

I revised my second answer.

Are either of my answers correct?

how did judaism influence western culture

To answer the second question, I would recommend consulting reliable sources such as books or articles that provide an in-depth understanding of the Islamic perspective on completing the teachings of Judaism and Christianity. The best approach would be to read Islamic theological texts, such as the Quran, Hadiths (sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad), or commentaries from Islamic scholars. This will help provide a comprehensive understanding of how Islam sees its role in relation to the two aforementioned religions. Additionally, reaching out to Islamic scholars or engaging in discussions with individuals knowledgeable about Islam can provide valuable insights.