In an informal letter, is writing just Bonjour! or Salut! without a name acceptable?

I don't see why it wouldn't be acceptable. It's an informal letter, not a business letter.

if it was a formal letter you would say, " Bonjour Madame *insert name here*!

But with an informal letter, it should be okay to exclude a name.


Do I close the letter in the same manner as English?



*My name*

Yes, always.

& no problem. :)

In an informal letter, it is generally acceptable to start with a simple greeting like "Bonjour!" or "Salut!" without including a specific name. However, it is important to consider the context and the relationship between the sender and the recipient.

If you have a close personal relationship with the recipient, such as a friend or a family member, a generic greeting without a name might be appropriate and even expected. This is because the familiarity between both parties allows for a more relaxed and informal communication style.

On the other hand, if you are writing to someone you are less familiar with, it is usually better to include the recipient's name in the greeting. This shows respect and consideration, especially in more formal or professional contexts.

In conclusion, while it may be acceptable to omit the recipient's name in an informal letter, it is important to consider the nature of your relationship with the recipient and the tone you wish to set.