sqrt r - sqrt s/ sqrt r + sqrt s =r sqrt r- sqrt rs +sqrt s/ r

can someone check this for me please.

Use parentheses to clarify whether you mean

(sqrt r - sqrt s)/ (sqrt r + sqrt s)
sqrt r - (sqrt s/ sqrt r) + sqrt s

(sqrt r- sqrt s)/ sqrt r+ sqrt s)= r sqrt r - sqrt rs + sqrt s/ r

Is the answer I got correct.

Multiply numerator and denominator by (sqrt r - sqrt s) to get rid of some sqrt signs. The new denominator becomes r-s.

(sqrt r- sqrt s)/(sqrt r+ sqrt s)=
[r - 2 sqrt(rs)+ s]/(r -s)

Your answer is not correct. If you show your work, perhaps we can show you where a mistake was made.

Thanks, This is my first time working on Algebra.

To check the given expression, let's simplify it step by step:

Given expression: (sqrt(r) - sqrt(s)) / (sqrt(r) + sqrt(s))

First, let's rationalize the denominator by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator:

((sqrt(r) - sqrt(s)) / (sqrt(r) + sqrt(s))) * ((sqrt(r) - sqrt(s))/(sqrt(r) - sqrt(s)))

Expanding the numerator and denominator, we get:

((sqrt(r))^2 - 2(sqrt(r))(sqrt(s)) + (sqrt(s))^2) / ((sqrt(r))^2 - (sqrt(s))^2)

Simplifying further:

(r - 2(sqrt(r))(sqrt(s)) + s) / (r - s)

Now, let's compare the simplified expression with the given expression:

(r sqrt(r) - sqrt(rs) + sqrt(s)) / r

As you can see, the simplified expression is not equal to the given expression. Therefore, there seems to be an error or discrepancy in the given expression. Double-check the original expression and ensure you have correctly written it.