17 = -13 - 8x

17 = -13 - 8x

17 + 13 = -8x

-30 = 8x

-3.75 = x

To solve the equation 17 = -13 - 8x, we need to isolate the variable x.

Step 1: Start by moving the constant term (-13) from the right side to the left side of the equation by adding 13 to both sides:
17 + 13 = -13 + 13 - 8x
30 = -8x

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by -8 to solve for x:
30 / -8 = -8x / -8
-3.75 = x

Therefore, the solution to the equation 17 = -13 - 8x is x = -3.75.

Explanation: The goal in solving an equation is to isolate the variable on one side of the equation. In this case, we started by moving the constant term (-13) to the left side by adding 13 to both sides of the equation. This gave us 17 + 13 on the left side. Then, we simplified the equation to 30 = -8x. To solve for x, we divided both sides of the equation by -8, which gives us x = -3.75.