It's greater than 700 000

The sum of all it's digits is 14
It has no zeros
The hundreds digit is 3


There is more than one possible answer but I just gave you the closest to 700,000

actually, 711,311 is the only answer. If the hundreds digit is 3, then the remaining 4 digits must add to 4. They must all be 1's.

good point steve.

So we back in the mines pickaxe Swinging from side to side

To find the number that meets these conditions, we can break down the problem step by step:

1. Start by looking for numbers greater than 700,000.
- One way to do this is to incrementally increase the hundreds, tens, and ones digits while keeping the thousands, ten thousands, and hundred thousands digits fixed. For example, we can start with 700,000 and increase the units digit until we find a suitable number.

2. The sum of all its digits is 14.
- Build numbers by incrementing the units digit while keeping track of the sum of the digits. For each potential number, check if the sum of its digits is 14. If it is not, continue incrementing the units digit until a number with a digit sum of 14 is found.

3. It has no zeros.
- While incrementing the units digit, make sure that no zeros are encountered. If a zero is encountered, skip that number and continue to the next iteration.

4. The hundreds digit is 3.
- Once you find a number that satisfies the previous conditions, check if the hundreds digit is 3. If it is, you have found your number.

By following these steps, you can systematically iterate through the numbers greater than 700,000, checking for each condition until you find the desired number.