what is 5² / 5⁵ = ?

other options are:
a) 5¹
b) 5³
c) 5⁴
d) 5² ****

Is 5² right?

5^2/5^5 = 1/5^3 = 5^-3 = 1/125

we have not learn like this fraction please help me to teach this i don't no any from here


To find the solution to the expression 5² / 5⁵, we can simplify it step by step.

First, let's calculate 5². To square a number, we multiply it by itself. In this case, 5² = 5 * 5 = 25.

Next, let's calculate 5⁵. To calculate 5 raised to the power of 5, we multiply 5 by itself 5 times. In this case, 5⁵ = 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 = 3125.

Finally, let's divide 5² by 5⁵. We divide the numerator (5²) by the denominator (5⁵). So, 5² / 5⁵ = 25 / 3125.

To simplify the division, we can find a common factor between 25 and 3125. Both numbers are divisible by 25, so we can simplify 25 / 3125 to 1 / 125.

Therefore, the correct answer is d) 5².

If you had any doubts about the answer, please let me know.