A random sample of 8 male college students was taken and asked to report their shoe size and height in inches

What is your question?

To obtain the average shoe size and height for the 8 male college students, you would need their individual measurements. Let's assume you have gathered the following data:

Student 1: Shoe size - 9, Height - 70 inches
Student 2: Shoe size - 10, Height - 72 inches
Student 3: Shoe size - 9.5, Height - 68 inches
Student 4: Shoe size - 8, Height - 69 inches
Student 5: Shoe size - 11, Height - 74 inches
Student 6: Shoe size - 9.5, Height - 71 inches
Student 7: Shoe size - 9, Height - 67 inches
Student 8: Shoe size - 10.5, Height - 73 inches

First, add up all the shoe sizes and heights separately:

Shoe size total: 9 + 10 + 9.5 + 8 + 11 + 9.5 + 9 + 10.5 = 76
Height total: 70 + 72 + 68 + 69 + 74 + 71 + 67 + 73 = 554

To find the average shoe size, divide the total by the number of measurements (8):

Average shoe size = 76 / 8 = 9.5

To find the average height, divide the total by the number of measurements (8):

Average height = 554 / 8 = 69.25 inches

Therefore, the average shoe size of the 8 male college students is 9.5, and the average height is 69.25 inches.