What group do Aristotle and Plato agree would make poor rulers? Why?

A: Both authors agree that the rich would make poor rulers because, given that most lacked good and happiness in their lives, the wealthy would most likely set about fighting for power, bringing conflict that would bring ruin to their country.

I think you're right.

what group do both authors agree would make poor rulers and why do they believe thiswhat group do both authors agree would make poor rulers and why do they believe this

This helpful. Thanks

To find the answer to the question, we need to explore the works of Aristotle and Plato. Both philosophers shared their ideas on rulership and the qualities that make a good ruler.

First, let's look at Plato. In his work "The Republic," Plato argued for a utopian society ruled by philosopher-kings. According to Plato, philosopher-kings possess wisdom, knowledge, and a deep understanding of justice, making them the most suitable rulers. Plato believed that those who pursue wealth and material possessions focus more on their own interests rather than the common good of the society. Therefore, the rich, who are typically driven by their personal desires, would make poor rulers in the eyes of Plato.

Now, let's turn to Aristotle. In his work "Politics," Aristotle discussed different forms of government and their flaws. Aristotle believed in a mixed form of government that combines elements of democracy, aristocracy, and monarchy. He criticized both extreme forms of democracy and oligarchy (in which power rests in the hands of a few wealthy individuals). According to Aristotle, the wealthy (or oligarchs) tend to prioritize their own interests over the well-being of the whole society. Their pursuit of power and wealth could lead to a constant struggle for dominance, resulting in conflict and the destruction of the state.

Therefore, both Aristotle and Plato agreed that the rich would make poor rulers. Their reasoning was based on the assumption that the wealthy, driven by personal desires and self-interest, might neglect the common good of the society and bring about conflicts that could ultimately ruin the nation.