Evaluate x5-13 if x =-2

-32 - 13

I don't get it

We assume you mean -2 to the 5th power.

-2 * -2 * -2 * -2 * -2 = -32

x to the 5th power = x^5

To evaluate x^5 - 13 when x = -2, we will substitute -2 for x in the expression and perform the calculations.

So, let's substitute -2 for x in the expression x^5 - 13:
(-2)^5 - 13

First, calculate -2 raised to the power of 5:
(-2) × (-2) × (-2) × (-2) × (-2)
= -32

Now substitute this value back into the expression:
-32 - 13

Finally, perform the subtraction:
-32 - 13 = -45

Therefore, x^5 - 13 when x = -2 is equal to -45.