you are ordering pizza for a party. One pizza serves 8 people. You are expect that there be 35 people. How many pizzas should you order.

35/8 = 4.375

Get 5 pizzas.

Juanita gets on a train at 12:05 p.m. for a 576 miles trip. Her train travels the entire distance at an average speed of 72 miles per hour. A t what time does she arrive at her final destination.

576/72 = 8 hours

To figure out how many pizzas you should order, you need to divide the total number of people attending the party by the number of people served by each pizza. In this case, you will divide 35 (total number of people) by 8 (number of people served by each pizza):

35 ÷ 8 = 4.375

Since you cannot order a fraction of a pizza, you would need to round up to the nearest whole number. Therefore, you should order 5 pizzas to ensure that you have enough for everyone at the party.