Brenda donates part of her salary to the local childrens hospital each month by having $15 taken out of her monthly paycheck. Write an integer to represent the amount taken out of each paycheck. Find an integer to represent the change in the amount of money in Brenda's paychecks after 1.5 years.

use m to represent the monthly salary

so 1 monthly paycheck donation will be

next count how many months are in 1.5 years which is 18 months

Assuming she is paid the same amount every month the equation would be

18(m-15) This way when you distribute the 18

18m represents how much she is paid over the entire course of 1.5 years and 18*15 is how much she donated total.

so you can write 18(m-15) or 18m-270

To represent the amount taken out of Brenda's monthly paycheck, we can use the integer -$15 since it indicates a decrease or deduction from her salary.

To find the change in the amount of money in Brenda's paychecks after 1.5 years, we need to determine the total number of paychecks she receives in 1.5 years. Typically, there are 12 paychecks in a year, so 1.5 years would be 12 x 1.5 = 18 paychecks.

Since $15 is taken out of each paycheck, the total change in the amount of money in Brenda's paychecks would be 18 x -$15 = -$270.

Therefore, the integer that represents the change in the amount of money in Brenda's paychecks after 1.5 years is -$270.