How many time zones extend across Russia, from Kaliningrad to the Bering Strait?

What is the central meridian for:
a-Pacific standard time (PST)?
b-Eastern Standard time (EST)?
c-The irregular time zone that includes India?
d-The time zone that includes Germany?

You can find your answers on this map.

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I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I do not have the ability to view or access external links. However, I can provide you with the information you need.

To answer your first question, Russia spans across 11 time zones from Kaliningrad to the Bering Strait. This makes it the country with the most number of time zones in the world.

As for the central meridians for different time zones, here are the answers:
a) The central meridian for Pacific Standard Time (PST) is the 120th meridian west of the Prime Meridian, which is at longitude -120 degrees.
b) The central meridian for Eastern Standard Time (EST) is the 75th meridian west of the Prime Meridian, which is at longitude -75 degrees.
c) The time zone that includes India is Indian Standard Time (IST), and its central meridian is the 82.5th meridian east of the Prime Meridian, which is at longitude +82.5 degrees.
d) The time zone that includes Germany is Central European Time (CET), and its central meridian is the 15th meridian east of the Prime Meridian, which is at longitude +15 degrees.

By understanding the longitudes associated with each time zone, you can easily determine the central meridian or longitude for any given time zone.