write the fraction in words


4/7 = four-sevenths

3/4 = three-fourths



To write the fraction 4/7 in words, we say "four sevenths."

To write the fraction 3/4 in words, we say "three fourths."

To write a fraction in words, follow these steps:

1. Read the numerator (the top number) as a cardinal number.
2. Use the appropriate fraction word (e.g., "fourths," "sevenths") based on the denominator (the bottom number).

Fraction 4/7:
Step 1: Read the numerator as a cardinal number → "Four"
Step 2: Use the fraction word based on the denominator → "Sevenths"

So, 4/7 is read as "Four Sevenths."

Fraction 3/4:
Step 1: Read the numerator as a cardinal number → "Three"
Step 2: Use the fraction word based on the denominator → "Fourths"

So, 3/4 is read as "Three Fourths."