The depth of the ocean is sometimes measured in fathoms (1 fathom = 6 feet). Distance on the surface of the ocean is sometimes measured in nautical miles (1 nautical mile = 6076 feet). The water beneath a surface rectangle 3.70 nautical miles by 2.80 nautical miles has a depth of 28.0 fathoms. Find the volume of water (in cubic meters) beneath this rectangle.

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To find the volume of water beneath the given rectangle, we need to first convert the dimensions from nautical miles and fathoms to feet. Once we have the dimensions in feet, we can calculate the volume in cubic feet, and finally convert it to cubic meters.

1 fathom = 6 feet
1 nautical mile = 6076 feet

Converting the dimensions to feet:
Length = 3.70 nautical miles = 3.70 * 6076 feet
Width = 2.80 nautical miles = 2.80 * 6076 feet
Depth = 28.0 fathoms = 28.0 * 6 feet

Calculating the volume in cubic feet:
Volume = Length * Width * Depth

Volume = (3.70 * 6076 feet) * (2.80 * 6076 feet) * (28.0 * 6 feet)

Now we can calculate the volume in cubic feet.