The Treaty of San Lorenzo allowed Americans living west of the Appalachian Mountains to __________. a military post in New Orleans to protect American travelers
B.have the right of deposit while using the port of New Orleans to trade with American Indians living in the Louisiana Territory on Spanish lands so long as they spoke Spanish


Wait, no, B?

yes I think B

B is right.

Thank ya guys!

You're welcome.

In 1801, which of the following were Robert Livingston’s objectives when negotiating with the French?

No, the correct answer is B. The Treaty of San Lorenzo, also known as Pinckney's Treaty, was signed between the United States and Spain in 1795. It allowed Americans living west of the Appalachian Mountains to have the right of deposit while using the port of New Orleans to trade.

To arrive at this answer, you could have approached the question by following these steps:

1. Start by understanding the context of the Treaty of San Lorenzo. It was a treaty signed between the United States and Spain, and it was significant in resolving issues related to trade and navigation in the southern region of the United States.

2. Read each option carefully and consider its relationship to the Treaty of San Lorenzo. Option A, building a military post in New Orleans, is not mentioned in the treaty. Option C, trading with American Indians in the Louisiana Territory, is not a provision of the treaty either. Option D, living on Spanish lands while speaking Spanish, is also not a provision mentioned in the treaty.

3. Finally, consider option B: having the right of deposit while using the port of New Orleans to trade. This provision is indeed part of the Treaty of San Lorenzo. By allowing Americans to have the right of deposit, they were able to store goods in New Orleans temporarily without having to pay import duties.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. The Treaty of San Lorenzo allowed Americans living west of the Appalachian Mountains to have the right of deposit while using the port of New Orleans to trade.