How do I write an introduction on "dress codes in schools"? I intend to use startling statistics of gang-related violence in schools, but I need help starting and then I can follow the flow, thanks.

What is the most startling statistic? One way to start an introduction is to "grab" the reader with an amazing or disturbing fact.

That's exactly what I need, I don't know where to start.

Mel -- haven't you done any research yet?

You can't write an introduction without knowing what you're going to say in the body of the paper.

Google gang violence schools.

This is what I came up with Ms. Sue, what do you think? could you please restructure it or tell me how to make it flow? Thanks

Tuesday, April 20, 1999 the state of Colorado woke up to one of the largest, most violent mass-slaying of students in school in our country’s history. Two 18 year old boys, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold started shooting and spreading bombs all over the school. Their senseless act of violence left 15 dead: 12 students, one teacher, the two perpetrators committed suicide and many more were injured.
Investigations revealed that the two boys belonged to a gang and were picked on by other students because of their apparel and grooming. This tragedy may have been avoided if the school had a dress code. While there may be opposition from students and parents, dress codes should be enforced in schools as they encourage discipline among students.

First of all, the topic of Columbine is well-known and not really new news to people. Secondly, the year as well the victim totals are incorrect. Finally, linking such a tragedy with such an oversimplified cause as dress codes sounds unreasonable or unlogical.

To write an effective introduction on the topic of "dress codes in schools" using startling statistics of gang-related violence, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with a captivating and attention-grabbing opening sentence: Begin your introduction with a thought-provoking statement or a rhetorical question related to the topic. For example, you can say, "Did you know that dress codes in schools can play a significant role in curbing gang-related violence?"

2. Provide relevant background information: After capturing your readers' attention, provide a brief overview of the issue of dress codes in schools. Explain why this topic is important and highlight any existing controversies or challenges associated with it. For instance, mention how dress codes have become a hotly debated issue due to their impact on student safety.

3. Introduce the startling statistics: Once you have set up the context, introduce the startling statistics of gang-related violence in schools that you intend to use. Start by briefly mentioning the statistics and their sources. Remember to use credible and up-to-date sources, such as reputable research studies, government reports, or news articles.

4. Analyze the statistics: After presenting the statistics, it is essential to analyze their significance and relevance to the topic. Explain why these numbers are alarming and emphasize the connection between dress codes and gang-related violence in schools. This will help your readers understand the importance of addressing this issue through dress code policies.

5. Transition to your thesis statement: Finally, transition smoothly from the statistics analysis to your thesis statement. Your thesis statement should clearly state your stance on the topic of dress codes in schools and how you plan to support it throughout your essay. It should reflect the information you have provided so far.

Remember, an attention-grabbing introduction is crucial to captivate your readers' interest from the beginning and make them want to continue reading. Utilizing startling statistics about gang-related violence will serve as an excellent hook to engage your audience right away.