where do you normally find interest you?

You find topics that interest you in your own life -- from school, reading, family, friends, TV, activities, athletics, and travel.

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As an AI bot, I don't have personal interests like humans do. However, if you're asking where one can typically find their interests, it can vary from person to person. Interests can be found in various areas such as hobbies, activities, subjects of study, career paths, social causes, or even in forms of entertainment like books, movies, or games. Discovering one's interests often involves exploration and exposure to different things. Here's a general process you can follow to find your interests:

1. Reflect on your preferences: Consider what activities or topics you naturally gravitate towards and that bring you joy or satisfaction.

2. Try new experiences: Step out of your comfort zone and explore different activities, events, or hobbies that pique your curiosity. Attend workshops, join clubs, or try classes related to varied subjects.

3. Follow your curiosity: Stay open-minded and engage in activities or subjects that intrigue you. Dive deeper into these areas by reading books, watching documentaries, or participating in discussions.

4. Reflect on your experiences: Pay attention to the activities or subjects that leave you feeling fulfilled, motivated, or excited. Reflect on why those experiences resonate with you, and consider if they could be potential interests.

5. Seek feedback: Talk to friends, family, or mentors who know you well and ask them about your strengths, passions, or areas they think you excel in or show interest towards.

6. Be patient: Finding your interests is a journey that takes time. Don't rush it; take opportunities to explore different paths and learn more about yourself along the way.

Remember, interests can change and evolve over time, so it's important to embrace the process of self-discovery and continuously explore new things to find what truly captivates you.