Please help me with the following:

Read the sentence.

Juanita used her affinity for numbers to help her design a computer program that relied on college-level math formulas, even though she was only in middle school.

Based on the context clues in the sentence, what is the best meaning of “affinity”?

A. a talent for

B. an enjoyment of

C. a fondness for

D. an understanding of

I know the answer is not C(I got it wrong), but now I think the answer is B. Is this answer correct?

Please help me by checking my answer. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!! :)

I talked to my teacher over the phone, and she said to either go with C again, or to go with B.

Thank you Ms. Sue for you help, a definition, and giving me the idea of contacting my teacher!! :)

You're very welcome.

I think C is the best answer. Check with your teacher.

Okay, I will contact my teacher.

I didn't know if that was the correct answer, or it was any of the others. The school site that I use to do all my work sometimes has typos or mistakes to where it does this, so it doesn't surprise me, if C was actually the correct answer.

C is certainly the best choice considering the definitions I posted above.

I think the answer is D

your best answer would be D my cousins cousins sisters friends cousins brothers best friends mom did this back in 1230 great times to remeber im 15 i was 3 back in 1230

To determine the best meaning of "affinity" in the given sentence, we can examine the context clues. In this case, the sentence states that Juanita used her affinity for numbers to design a computer program that relied on college-level math formulas. From this, we can infer that "affinity" refers to Juanita's strong connection or skill related to numbers.

Now, let's evaluate the answer choices:

A. a talent for - This answer choice aligns with the context clues since it implies that Juanita has a natural ability or skill in dealing with numbers.

B. an enjoyment of - While it is possible that Juanita enjoys working with numbers, the sentence emphasizes her ability to apply her affinity for numbers to her computer program design.

C. a fondness for - This answer choice does not accurately capture the meaning of "affinity" in the given context. Fondness generally refers to liking or affection rather than skill or talent.

D. an understanding of - While understanding may be a part of having affinity for numbers, it does not fully encompass the idea of skill or talent.

Based on this analysis, the best answer choice is indeed A. a talent for. This aligns with the context clues provided in the sentence.

I hope this helps clarify things for you!

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