The problem is to calculate the usable area in square feet of a house. Assume that the house has a maximum of four rooms, and that each room is rectangular.

I need help writing a program description,analysis,test,and with pseuocode with it.

Program Description:

The program is designed to calculate the usable area in square feet for a house with a maximum of four rooms. The user will be prompted to input the dimensions (length and width) of each room. The program will then calculate the area of each room and sum up the areas to find the total usable area of the house in square feet.

1. Prompt the user to input the dimensions of each room.
2. Create variables to store the length and width of each room.
3. Calculate the area of each room by multiplying its length by its width.
4. Sum up the areas of all the rooms to find the total usable area.
5. Display the total usable area of the house in square feet.

To test the program, we can use the following room dimensions:
- Room 1: Length = 10 feet, Width = 12 feet
- Room 2: Length = 8 feet, Width = 9 feet
- Room 3: Length = 7 feet, Width = 5 feet
- Room 4: Length = 11 feet, Width = 13 feet

Expected output:
The total usable area of the house is 544 square feet.


1. Initialize total_usable_area to 0.

2. Display "Enter the dimensions of each room:"

3. For i = 1 to 4:
- Display "Room i:"
- Prompt for length
- Prompt for width
- Calculate area = length * width
- Add area to total_usable_area

4. Display "The total usable area of the house is: total_usable_area square feet"