I have to write a page report explaining how the 1920s laid the foundation for today's society. I just wanted to know if the stuff I am adding in my essay are relevant. I was going to include how people in the 1920s started putting stuff on credit via installment plans, since people bought goods such as refrigerators, washing machines, etc. it created a surge in the demand for electricity, the automobile came about in the 1920s and Henry Ford used assembly lines in his factories to produce more cars. Automobile making became the nation's biggest single manufacturing industry in the 1920s. Thousands of businesses arose to serve automobile travel including car dealerships, motels, gas stations, etc. Womens changing roles such as the flapper image, they began to smoke. There was also movement away from the countryside and more people moved from rural areas to the cities. Also in my book it explains American Heroes and Mass Media and the Jazz Age during the 1920s but I am not sure if that's relevant to include.

Of course I expanded on the thoughts above in my report, I just narrowed it down here just to show the topics I included in my report. Because it said to use examples from the economy and from society.

It sounds pretty good you have the basics to things we still use, so yeah, I say go for it.

It appears that the information you've included in your essay is relevant to showcasing how the 1920s laid the foundation for today's society. Here's a breakdown of the key points you mentioned and their relevance:

1. Credit and Installment Plans: The introduction of credit and installment plans in the 1920s allowed people to buy goods they couldn't afford outright, which greatly impacted consumer culture. This shift in purchasing behavior still influences society today, as credit and installment plans remain widely used.

2. Surge in Electricity Demand: The increased demand for electrical appliances, like refrigerators and washing machines, resulted in a surge in the need for electricity. This development played a significant role in shaping the modern reliance on electricity and the development of power grids.

3. Automobile Industry: The 1920s marked the rise of the automobile industry, led by Henry Ford's innovative use of assembly lines. This revolution in manufacturing not only transformed transportation but also had a profound impact on American society and economy. The growth of businesses supporting automobile travel, such as car dealerships, gas stations, and motels, speaks to the lasting influence of this industry.

4. Changing Gender Roles and Urbanization: The 1920s witnessed significant shifts in societal norms and gender roles. The emergence of the flapper image and changes in women's behavior, including smoking, exemplified the evolving social dynamics. Additionally, the movement of people from rural areas to cities during this time period reflects the ongoing trend of urbanization seen in modern society.

Regarding the other topics mentioned, American Heroes and Mass Media have relevance in showcasing how the 1920s impacted popular culture and the media landscape. Similarly, the Jazz Age captures the spirit and cultural influence of the time. Including these elements could provide additional context and enrich your discussion of how the 1920s laid the foundation for today's society.

Remember to link each of your points back to how they have shaped and influenced contemporary society.