Show that the following conditional statement is a tautology

using truth
8. Without the use of truth tables, determine whether (
is a tautology.
show all your work

To determine if the given conditional statement is a tautology without using truth tables, we can use logical equivalences and properties of logical connectives.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the expression.

We can start by simplifying the inner part of the expression, i.e., `p ^ (p ! q)`.

Using the Distributive Law, we can rewrite it as `p ^ (~q v p)`.

Applying the Commutative Law, we can rearrange the expression as `p ^ (p v ~q)`.

Again, using the Distributive Law, we can simplify it further as `(p ^ p) v (p ^ ~q)`.

The expression `p ^ p` is equivalent to `p`, so we can simplify it to `p v (p ^ ~q)`.

Step 2: Simplify the entire expression.

The given expression is `[(p ^ (p ! q))] ! q`. We will substitute `[p v (p ^ ~q)]` in place of `(p ^ (p ! q))`.

The expression becomes `[p v (p ^ ~q)] ! q`.

Now, let's simplify the expression further using logical equivalences:

[p v (p ^ ~q)] ! q

By the definition of the implication operator (→), we can rewrite the expression as:

! [p v (p ^ ~q)] v q

Using De Morgan's Law, we can apply negation inside the brackets:

(!p ^ ~(p ^ ~q)) v q

By De Morgan's Law again, we can distribute the negation:

(!p ^ (~p v q)) v q

Using the Distributive Law, we distribute the negation further:

[(!p ^ ~p) v (!p ^ q)] v q

Simplifying the expression, we get:

[(F) v (!p ^ q)] v q

Using the identity law, we can simplify `!p ^ q` as `q ^ !p`:

[(F) v q ^ !p] v q

Simplifying further:

(q ^ !p) v q

By the Commutative Law:

q v (q ^ !p)

Using the identity law:

q v q



Step 3: Analyze the final result.

We have simplified the expression to `q`, which shows that the original conditional statement `[(p ^ (p ! q))] ! q` is not a tautology. It is dependent on the value of `q` for its truth value.

Therefore, without using truth tables, we have shown that the given conditional statement is not a tautology.