I need help with diagramming sentences. How do you diagram "Bruno and Shmuel talk and share food"? Is it a compound sentence, or does it have two verbs in a single clause?

It's a simple sentence.

It has two subjects and two verbs. The second verb has a direct object.

See numbers 5 and 10 in this site.


thank you

You're welcome.

Luke 1:6



To diagram the sentence "Bruno and Shmuel talk and share food," we first need to determine its structure. In this case, it is a complex sentence with a compound predicate.

Step 1: Identify the Subject
The subject of the sentence is "Bruno and Shmuel" since they are the ones performing the action.

Step 2: Identify the Verbs
The sentence contains two verbs: "talk" and "share." These are both action verbs.

Step 3: Determine Sentence Structure
The structure of the sentence can be analyzed as follows:
- Bruno and Shmuel (Subject)
- talk and share (Compound Predicate)

Step 4: Diagramming
To begin diagramming, draw a horizontal line and place the subject above the line and the predicate(s) below the line.

Bruno and Shmuel
talk and share

Then, split the predicate to show the compound nature of the action:

Bruno and Shmuel
talk share

You can also add diagonal lines to connect the subject to each verb, showing that both actions are attributed to Bruno and Shmuel:

(Bruno) (Shmuel)
/ \
Bruno and Shmuel
/ \
talk share

This diagram accurately represents the structure of the sentence "Bruno and Shmuel talk and share food" and visually demonstrates that it is a compound sentence with two verbs in a single clause.