A small company packs 12 jars of jlly into each of 110 boxes to bring to the farmers market. how many jars of jelly does the company pack in all


12 * 110 = ?

12 jars of jelly into each of 110 boxes how many jars of jelly does the company pack in all

Dude...you suck

The answer is on top

To find out how many jars of jelly the company packs in all, we can multiply the number of jars in each box by the total number of boxes.

The number of jars in each box is given as 12, and the total number of boxes is 110. Therefore, to find the total number of jars, we can multiply 12 by 110.

12 x 110 = 1,320

So, the company packs 1,320 jars of jelly in all.