which fraction si greater than -7/5?


i think its A

A: -.5555555555555556 (Repeating)

B: -.545454545455454 (Repeating)
C: -.5
D: -.44444444444444 (Repeating)

-7/5 = -1.4

Can you compare all of them to see which one is larger?

Example: -11 is larger than -15

im stupid ok

To determine which fraction is greater than -7/5, you can compare the given fractions to -7/5 by finding a common denominator and comparing the numerators.

To compare fractions with different denominators:
1. Find a common denominator for all the fractions. In this case, the denominators are already different, so finding a common denominator is not necessary.
2. Keep the denominator the same and compare the numerators to determine which fraction is greater.

Let's compare each fraction to -7/5:

a. -5/9: The numerator is -5, which is greater than -7. Therefore, -5/9 is greater than -7/5.
b. -6/11: The numerator is -6, which is also greater than -7. Thus, -6/11 is greater than -7/5.
c. -1/2: The numerator is -1, which is less than -7. Thus, -1/2 is not greater than -7/5.
d. -4/9: The numerator is -4, which is also less than -7. Therefore, -4/9 is not greater than -7/5.

Based on the comparison of the numerators, the correct answer is not 'a' but 'a', 'b', and 'c' since -5/9, -6/11, and -1/2 are all greater than -7/5.