Which period of history was influenced by the classical Greek and Roman works?

A. Renaissance
B. Age of exploration
C. Technology era
D. Dark Ages
Is the answer A?

Yes, the correct answer is A. Renaissance. The Renaissance period was greatly influenced by the classical Greek and Roman works. To arrive at this answer, one can recall the historical periods and their characteristics or use the process of elimination.

The Dark Ages (option D) refers to the period in Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, characterized by a decline in education and cultural activity. This period was not directly influenced by the classical works.

The Age of exploration (option B) occurred during the 15th and 16th centuries when European explorers set out to discover new trade routes and territories. While this period had its own significance in history, it was not specifically influenced by the classical Greek and Roman works.

The Technology era (option C) is a more general term that does not correspond to a specific period of history. Although technological advancements have been influenced by classical ideas, it is not a period in itself.

Therefore, the Renaissance (option A) stands out as the correct answer since it refers to the period in Europe from the 14th to the 17th century known for its revival of interest in classical art, literature, and philosophy.
