A soccer ball is kicked from the ground at an angle of è = 46 degrees with respect to the horizontal. The hang time of the ball is tm = 1.9 s.

What is the total horizontal distance traveled by the ball in meters?

distance = rate * time

d = 1.9 *initial speed * cos 46

now vertical problem
Vi = initial speed * sin 46
v = Vi - 9.8 t
at top
0 = Vi - 9.8* (1.9/2) time up is half total time
Vi = [ 4.9 * 1.9 ]
initial speed = [ 4.9 * 1.9 ]/sin 46
then go back to
d = 1.9 *initial speed * cos 46

To find the horizontal distance traveled by the ball, we need to first calculate the horizontal component of the initial velocity.

Angle of projection, θ = 46 degrees
Hang time, t = 1.9 s

The horizontal component of the initial velocity can be found using the formula:
Vx = V * cos(θ)

where Vx is the horizontal component of the initial velocity and V is the initial velocity.

Since the hang time is the total time of flight, we can write:
t = 2 * t_max,
where t_max is the time at which the ball reaches its highest point.

Now, we can use the formula to calculate the total time of flight (t_total):
t_total = 2 * t_max = 1.9 s

Since the vertical motion is symmetric, the time to reach the highest point is half of the total time of flight:
t_max = t_total / 2 = 1.9 / 2 = 0.95 s

To find the initial vertical velocity (Vy), we can use the formula:
Vy = V * sin(θ)

Next, we can use the formula for vertical displacement to find the height (H) reached by the ball:
H = Vy * t_max - (1/2) * g * t_max^2,
where g is the acceleration due to gravity, approximately 9.8 m/s^2.

Since the ball starts and ends on the ground, the vertical displacement is zero:
H = 0
0 = Vy * t_max - (1/2) * g * t_max^2

Now, we can solve the equation for Vy:
Vy * t_max = (1/2) * g * t_max^2
Vy = (1/2) * g * t_max

Now we can use the equation for horizontal distance to calculate the total distance (D) traveled by the ball:
D = Vx * t_total
D = V * cos(θ) * t_total

Given that the hang time is 1.9 s, we can express Vx and Vy in terms of t_max:
Vx = V * cos(θ) = D / t_total
Vy = (1/2) * g * t_max

Finally, we can substitute the values and calculate the total horizontal distance traveled by the ball.

To find the total horizontal distance traveled by the ball, we need to use the horizontal component of the initial velocity and the hang time of the ball.

1. First, we need to find the initial velocity of the ball. Since we are given the launch angle (è) and the hang time (tm), we can use the hang time formula for projectile motion:

tm = 2 * v * sin(è) / g

where v is the initial velocity and g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s²).

Rearranging the formula, we get:

v = tm * g / (2 * sin(è))

Substituting the given values:
tm = 1.9 s
è = 46 degrees
g = 9.8 m/s²

v = (1.9 s * 9.8 m/s²) / (2 * sin(46°))

2. Now we can calculate the horizontal distance traveled by the ball using the formula:

d = v * cos(è) * tm

where d is the horizontal distance.

Substituting the values we found above:
d = v * cos(46°) * 1.9 s

Calculate this expression to find the total horizontal distance traveled by the ball in meters.