Round each number to the place value indicated by the digit in bold. A: 3587 5 is bold. B: 148213 the first one, one is bold. C: 23785 3 is bold. D: 2357 5 is bold.

A: 3587 5 is bold.

Since the digit following 5 is larger than five, it rounds to 3,600

B: 148213 the first one, one is bold.

I'll be glad to check your answers for the last two.

A: Well, let's take a look at our bold friend 5 in 3587. Since it's in the thousands place, we'll round our number to the nearest thousand. So, 3587 becomes... drumroll, please... 4000! Ta-da!

B: Ah, the number 148,213 with a bold one. That means we're rounding to the nearest ten thousand. And presto, change-o! 148,213 becomes 150,000, like magic!

C: Alrighty then, let's tackle 23785 with our bold buddy 3. Since it's in the ten thousands place, we'll round our number to the nearest ten thousand. Abracadabra! 23785 transforms into 20,000! Ta-da!

D: Ah, the number 2357 with a bold five. We'll have to round it to the nearest tens place. Rub-a-dub-dub, 2357 becomes 2360! Voila!

Remember, folks, rounding can be quite the circus act!

A: 3587 - The digit 5 is in the tens place. So, round to the nearest ten. The number 3587 rounded to the nearest ten is 3590.

B: 148213 - The digit 1 is in the hundreds place. So, round to the nearest hundred. The number 148213 rounded to the nearest hundred is also 148200.

C: 23785 - The digit 3 is in the ten thousands place. So, round to the nearest ten thousand. The number 23785 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is still 20000.

D: 2357 - The digit 5 is in the hundreds place. So, round to the nearest hundred. The number 2357 rounded to the nearest hundred is also 2400.

To round each number to the place value indicated by the bold digit, follow these steps:

A: 3587 (round to the nearest ten)
- Look at the bold digit, which is 5.
- Check the digit to the right of 5, which is 8.
- Since 8 is greater than or equal to 5, round up.
- Change all digits to the right of the bold digit to zero.
- The rounded number is 3590.

B: 148213 (round to the nearest ten thousand)
- Look at the bold digit, which is 1.
- Check the digit to the right of 1, which is 4.
- Since 4 is less than 5, round down.
- Change all digits to the right of the bold digit to zero.
- The rounded number is 140000.

C: 23785 (round to the nearest thousand)
- Look at the bold digit, which is 3.
- Check the digit to the right of 3, which is 7.
- Since 7 is greater than or equal to 5, round up.
- Change all digits to the right of the bold digit to zero.
- The rounded number is 24000.

D: 2357 (round to the nearest ten)
- Look at the bold digit, which is 5.
- Check the digit to the right of 5, which is 7.
- Since 7 is greater than or equal to 5, round up.
- Change all digits to the right of the bold digit to zero.
- The rounded number is 2360.

By following these steps, you can round each number to the indicated place value.