You are riding on a jet ski directed at an angle upstream on a river flowing with a speed of 2.8 m/s. If your velocity relative to the ground is 8.0 m/s at an angle of 30.5° upstream, what is the speed of the jet ski relative to the water?

I thought I should just use Pythagoras's theorem, but that didn't get me the right answer... Am I leaving something out/.


To solve this problem, you need to use vector addition. The velocity of the jet ski relative to the water can be broken down into two components: one along the direction of the river's flow (upstream) and one perpendicular to it.

Let's consider the downstream direction as positive and the upstream direction as negative. First, find the downstream component of the jet ski's velocity relative to the ground. Use trigonometry to do this.

V_downstream = V_ground * cosθ

where V_ground is the velocity of the jet ski relative to the ground (given as 8.0 m/s) and θ is the angle between the jet ski's velocity and the downstream direction (given as 30.5°).

V_downstream = 8.0 m/s * cos(30.5°)
V_downstream ≈ 6.926 m/s

Next, find the upstream component of the jet ski's velocity relative to the ground.

V_upstream = V_ground * sinθ

V_upstream = 8.0 m/s * sin(30.5°)
V_upstream ≈ 4.072 m/s

Now, to find the speed of the jet ski relative to the water, we need to find the magnitude of the resulting vector formed by adding the downstream and upstream components.

V_water = √(V_downstream^2 + V_upstream^2)

V_water = √(6.926 m/s)^2 + (4.072 m/s)^2)
V_water ≈ 8.107 m/s

So, the speed of the jet ski relative to the water is approximately 8.107 m/s.