A = P + Prt; P (business)


The equation given, A = P + Prt, is a formula used in finance to calculate the final amount (A) of money in an account or investment when you take into account the principal amount (P), the annual interest rate (r), and the length of time the money is invested (t).

Let's specifically talk about the situation of a business, where P represents the principal amount of money invested in the business. The principal amount is the initial investment or the starting capital that a business owner puts into the business.

To calculate the final amount (A) for a business, you need to know the principal amount (P), the annual interest rate (r), and the length of time (t) the money is invested.

Here are the steps to calculate the final amount for a business:

1. Input the values: Substitute the known values into the equation:
- A represents the final amount.
- P represents the principal amount (business investment).
- r represents the annual interest rate.
- t represents the length of time the money is invested.

2. Calculate the term Prt:
- Multiply the principal amount (P) by the interest rate (r).
- Multiply the result by the time period (t).

3. Add Prt to the principal amount (P):
- Add the result of the Prt calculation to the principal amount (P) to find the final amount (A).

Once you have substituted the values into the equation and performed the necessary calculations, you will get the final amount (A). This calculation is useful for determining the total value of a business investment after a specific period of time, factoring in the interest earned on the initial investment.