Find the unit rate. Run 400 meters in 1 min 32 s. Have no idea, please help.

400m / 92s = 4.35 m/s


400m / 1.533 min = 260.9 m/min

400 m in 1min, 32 sec = 92 seconds

so 100 m in 92/4 or 23 seconds

you did not specify what rate we are talking about
m/s or s/m or ...

To find the unit rate, you need to determine the amount of the given quantity per unit of another quantity. In this case, you want to find the number of meters run per second.

First, convert 1 minute 32 seconds to seconds. Since there are 60 seconds in a minute, you would have:

1 minute = 1 * 60 = 60 seconds
Total time = 60 seconds + 32 seconds = 92 seconds

Now, divide the distance (400 meters) by the time (92 seconds):

Unit rate = Distance ÷ Time
Unit rate = 400 meters ÷ 92 seconds

Calculating this, we find:

Unit rate ≈ 4.35 meters per second

Therefore, the unit rate at which you are running is approximately 4.35 meters per second.