16. secretary A will use " sincerely" as the complimentary closing of a letter to colleague. secretary B will use "Cordially" as the complimentary closing of a letter to a friend. which secretary is using the correct closing?

a. only A ,
b. only B,
c. both ,
d. none

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A) Only A

To determine which secretary is using the correct closing, we need to understand the appropriate usage of "sincerely" and "Cordially" as complimentary closings in letters.

First, let's understand the meaning and context of each closing:

1. "Sincerely": This closing is often used in formal and professional letters. It indicates that the writer is expressing genuine feelings and is sincerely dedicated to their message or intent.

2. "Cordially": This closing is commonly used in friendly or informal letters. It conveys warmth, kindness, and a friendly disposition towards the recipient.

Based on this information, we can now evaluate the situation:

Secretary A using "sincerely" as a complimentary closing to a colleague: Since the letter is addressed to a colleague, a professional relationship is assumed. Therefore, using "sincerely" is appropriate in this context. So, secretary A is using the correct closing.

Secretary B using "Cordially" as a complimentary closing to a friend: Since the letter is addressed to a friend, a friendly relationship is assumed. Using "Cordially" in this context aligns with the informal nature of the letter. So, secretary B is also using the correct closing.

Therefore, we can conclude that the correct answer is option c. Both Secretary A and Secretary B are using the correct closings based on the intended recipients of their letters.