8. when citing a reference from the internet in a report's bibliography, the should appear first?

a. internet address,
b. title of the article ,
c. author ,
d. date

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When citing a reference from the internet in a report's bibliography, the proper format is typically to list the author's last name first, followed by the author's first name. If the author's full name is not available, you can use their username or the name of the organization responsible for the content.

Here's an example of the format:

Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Name of Website or Webpage, URL (internet address), Date Accessed.

So, in the given options, the correct order for citing a reference from the internet in a report's bibliography would be:

c. author,
b. title of the article,
a. internet address,
d. date.

Remember to always consult the specific citation style guidelines provided by your instructor or the organization you are writing for, as they may have different preferences or requirements.