How do I say :

I am going to wait for my friend to come?

I am very stumped at this one.

"am going" is the present tense.

Someone will be glad to check your answer.

Je vais attendre pour mon/ma ami(e) a venir.

Future tense for "I am going to wait" is either...
-Je vais attendre...............or

there is supposed to be an accent on the "a" by the way...

To say "I am going to wait for my friend to come" in English, you can use the following sentence:

"I am going to wait for my friend to come."

Let's break down this sentence to understand its structure:

1. Subject: "I" - This refers to yourself.
2. Verb phrase: "am going to wait" - This expresses your intention or future action of waiting.
3. Preposition: "for" - This indicates the purpose or object of your waiting.
4. Possessive pronoun: "my" - This shows that the friend you are waiting for belongs to you.
5. Noun: "friend" - This identifies the person you are waiting for.
6. Infinitive verb phrase: "to come" - This indicates the action your friend will perform (coming).

Putting it all together, you can use the sentence "I am going to wait for my friend to come" to express your intention to wait for your friend's arrival.