Nilsa converted 1/12 to a repeating decimal and wrote

0.083 as her answer. What error did she make?

(Should it actually be 0.0833)

0.083 with a horizontal line over the 3.

good job kid

Well, it seems like Nilsa made the decimal a bit too short and ran out of enthusiasm! Instead of 0.083, it should indeed be 0.0833. So, her answer is like a clown with a missing red nose โ€“ it's incomplete!

To determine the error Nilsa made when converting 1/12 to a repeating decimal, let's go through the process of converting fractions to decimals.

Step 1: Divide the numerator (1) by the denominator (12).
1 รท 12 = 0.08333...

Step 2: Determine the repeating digit(s).
We see that the digit 3 repeats indefinitely.

Based on the correct calculation, the decimal representation of 1/12 is indeed 0.08333... (with the digit 3 repeating). Therefore, Nilsa made an error in rounding off the repeating decimal. She wrote it as 0.083 instead of 0.0833.