One morning, Justin drove 5 hours before stopping to eat lunch at Pizza Hut. After lunch, he increased his speed by 10 mph. If he completed a 350-mile trip in 8 hours of driving time, how fast did he drive in the morning?

Answer mooching??


To find Justin's speed in the morning, we need to break down the information given and set up an equation.

Let's denote the speed Justin drove in the morning as "x" mph.

We know that he drove for a total of 8 hours, and he drove for 5 hours in the morning before stopping for lunch. This means he drove for 8 - 5 = 3 hours after lunch.

During the 5 hours in the morning, Justin drove at speed "x" mph, covering a distance of 5x miles.

After lunch, he increased his speed by 10 mph, so during the 3 hours after lunch, Justin drove at a speed of (x + 10) mph, covering a distance of 3(x + 10) miles.

Since the total distance covered was 350 miles, we can set up the equation:

5x + 3(x + 10) = 350

Simplifying the equation:

5x + 3x + 30 = 350
8x + 30 = 350
8x = 320

Dividing by 8 on both sides of the equation:

x = 40

Therefore, Justin drove at a speed of 40 mph in the morning.