write 8 ways you could apply science safety rules in your kitchen at home.

I'll be glad to add to your list.

What have you already thought of?

never leave the fire on the stop unattended

wash your hands after dealing with bacteria or anything dirty

if there is broken glass don't pick it up with your bare hands

always wear cooking mittens while dealing with hot objects

Those are good.

Be sure to read the labels of ingredients you are going to eat.

No running or horseplay in the kitchen.

Handle knives and other sharp objects carefully.

Don't wear loose shirts that could catch fire or accidentally be dipped in the food.

thank you so much

You're very welcome.

To apply science safety rules in your kitchen at home, here are eight ways to ensure a safe environment:

1. Fire safety: Have a fire extinguisher readily available in case of emergencies. Keep flammable objects away from the stove and open flames. Install a smoke detector and regularly check its battery.

2. Electrical safety: Ensure all electrical appliances, cords, and outlets are in good condition. Do not overload outlets or use damaged cords. Keep electrical devices away from water sources.

3. Chemical safety: Properly store and label cleaning solutions, detergents, and other potentially hazardous chemicals. Keep them out of reach of children and pets. Always read and follow the instructions on the labels.

4. Food safety: Follow proper food handling and storage practices. Store perishable items in the refrigerator at appropriate temperatures. Avoid cross-contamination by using separate cutting boards and utensils for raw and cooked foods.

5. Sharp objects: Handle knives and other sharp objects with care. Keep them stored safely and away from children's reach. Use cutting boards and proper cutting techniques to avoid injuries.

6. Heat and steam safety: When working with hot stoves, ovens, or appliances, use oven mitts or pot holders to avoid burns. Keep your face and body at a safe distance from steam and boiling liquids.

7. Slips and falls prevention: Keep the kitchen area clean and dry to prevent slips and falls. Immediately clean up any spills and ensure rugs or mats are secure to prevent tripping hazards.

8. Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation to minimize exposure to fumes, smoke, and excessive heat. Use exhaust fans or open windows when cooking, especially if using high heat or strong-smelling ingredients.

Remember, these are general guidelines, and you should adapt them based on your specific kitchen setup and any additional safety precautions recommended by professionals or local regulations.