You download 12 new songs to ur MP3 player then u delete 5 old songs write each amount as an integer

You download 12 new songs on your mp3 player.then you delete 5 old songs.write amount as an integer

12 -5


You download 14 new songs to your MP3 player.Then you delete 5 old songs what is the integer

To write each amount as an integer, we need to express the number of songs in whole numbers without fractions or decimals.

Let's start with the initial number of songs on your MP3 player as an integer: 12 songs.

After downloading 12 new songs, the total number of songs would be 12 (initial songs) + 12 (new songs) = 24 songs.

Now, let's consider deleting 5 old songs. We subtract 5 from the previous total of 24 songs: 24 - 5 = 19 songs.

Therefore, the final amount of songs on your MP3 player, following the given scenario, can be expressed as the integer 19.