I have all my information on my speech about abortion i just don't have an opening can anyone help?

What is the purpose of your speech? Are you just providing information, or are you advocating a pro or con position?

my speech is the cons of abortion

Title: Right to Life

If your mothers were pro-abortion, how many of you would not be here?

Even if you don't use these, they might help you to think of your own.

thank you


Of course, I can help you with that. To create a strong opening for your speech about abortion, you can consider using the following steps:

1. Start with an attention-grabbing statement or a thought-provoking question: Begin your speech with a statement or a rhetorical question that captures the audience's attention and makes them curious about your topic. For example, you could start with something like: "Imagine a world where a woman loses control over decisions regarding her own body. A world where personal choices are overshadowed by social and political judgment. This is the reality faced by countless women when it comes to the topic of abortion."

2. Provide context and background information: After capturing your audience's attention, it's essential to provide some background information regarding abortion. This will set the stage for your speech and ensure your audience understands the significance and complexity of the issue. You can include statistics, historical facts, or real-life examples to add weight to your opening. For instance: "Abortion, the termination of pregnancy by various methods, has been a subject of heated debate for centuries. As legislation and morality clash in this domain, it is crucial to critically examine the various perspectives before forming a conclusion."

3. Share a personal story or anecdote: Sharing a personal story related to abortion can be a powerful way to connect with your audience on an emotional level. It humanizes the issue and demonstrates its impact on real individuals. If you have permission, you can share a personal story or an anecdote that emphasizes the complexity and sensitivity of the subject. Alternatively, you can use a hypothetical scenario to illustrate the potential consequences of restrictive abortion laws. It could go something like this: "Imagine a young woman, barely out of high school, faced with an unexpected pregnancy. Her dreams of pursuing an education and building a stable future hang in the balance as she grapples with the limited options available due to anti-abortion laws."

4. State your thesis: Before concluding your opening, clearly state your thesis statement, which represents the main argument or position you will be defending in your speech. It should be concise and specific, capturing the essence of your stance on abortion. For example: "Today, I want to shed light on the complexities of abortion and argue that every woman should have the right to make decisions about her reproductive health without government interference."

Remember, the opening of your speech is crucial as it sets the tone and grabs the audience's attention. By using attention-grabbing statements, providing background information, sharing personal stories, and stating your thesis, you can create a powerful and compelling opening for your speech about abortion.