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Which is not a component of basic public relations practice?


employee relations



To determine which option is not a component of basic public relations practice, we need to understand what each component entails.

1. Counseling: Public relations professionals often provide advice and guidance to clients or organizations on how to communicate effectively. This component involves understanding the client's goals and helping them craft messages and strategies to achieve those goals.

2. Employee Relations: This component focuses on maintaining good relationships between an organization and its employees. Public relations professionals may be involved in internal communication, employee engagement, and managing any issues or conflicts that arise within the organization.

3. Fundraising: Fundraising typically falls within the realm of development or advancement, rather than public relations. While public relations professionals may be involved in creating awareness and promoting fundraising events or campaigns, the primary responsibility for fundraising usually rests with dedicated development or fundraising departments.

4. Networking: Networking is a key component of public relations. It involves building relationships and connections with individuals and organizations that can be beneficial to the client or organization. Effective networking helps public relations professionals expand their reach, establish partnerships, and create opportunities for collaboration.

Based on the given options, it is clear that "fundraising" is the component that is not typically considered a part of basic public relations practice.