convert 1.65 A(circle above the A) to nanometers (scientific notation)

To convert 1.65 A (angstroms) to nanometers, you need to know that 1 nanometer is equal to 10 angstroms.

The conversion factor can be expressed as:

1 nm = 10 Å

To convert 1.65 angstroms to nanometers using scientific notation, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the given value.
1.65 Å

Step 2: Apply the conversion factor.
1.65 Å * (1 nm / 10 Å)

Step 3: Simplify the expression.
0.165 nm

Step 4: Convert to scientific notation.
In scientific notation, you express a number as the product of a coefficient (between 1 and 10) and a power of 10.

0.165 nm can be written in scientific notation as:
1.65 × 10^(-1) nm

Therefore, 1.65 A (with a circle above the A) is equal to 1.65 × 10^(-1) nm in scientific notation.