Use <,>,or =

|-8| _ -9

|-7| _ -8

Can you explain how?

|-8| = 8

and 8 is greater than (>) -9
apply the same for others

Oh, okay. Thanks.

To compare the absolute values of -8 and -9, we can use the inequality symbols <, >, or = to express the relationship between them.

|-8| represents the absolute value of -8, which is 8.
|-9| represents the absolute value of -9, which is also 9.

Now, let's compare the absolute values:

|8| _ 9

Since 8 is less than 9, we can conclude that the absolute value of -8 (8) is less than the absolute value of -9 (9). Therefore, we can use the < symbol to express this relationship:

|-8| < |-9|

Alternatively, we could have also used the > symbol to compare the absolute values:

|8| _ 9

Since 8 is still less than 9, we can conclude that the absolute value of -8 (8) is greater than the absolute value of -9 (9). Therefore, we can use the > symbol to express this relationship:

|-8| > |-9|

As for the = symbol, it would not apply in this case because the absolute values of -8 and -9 are not equal:

|-8| is not equal to |-9|

Therefore, we do not use the = symbol.