9. In " my brothers keeper" ted and jasmine are developed in contrast to one another by describing their (1 point)

fears of the unknown
emotional reactions
interactions with their parents

10. The story My brothers keeper" is told through the point of view of (1 point)
a narrator

11. the narrator of " the scarlet ibis" was embarrassed about teaching doodle to walk because (1 point)
he hurt him in the process
he hadn't asked his parents'permission
he was motivated to do it by doodle's disability
he only did it because of a dare from his friends

12. the scarlet ibis is a symbol for doodle because (1 point)
it was hatched from a caul
it thrives only in the warm climate
it could not move or make a sound
it was out of place from the beginning

13. who is the speaker in "the first lesson"
a child
a daughter
a parent a swimming instructor

I need help plzzzz asap thank you

What were the answers

9. In "My Brother's Keeper," Ted and Jasmine are developed in contrast to one another by describing their interactions with their parents.

10. The story "My Brother's Keeper" is told through the point of view of a narrator.

11. The narrator of "The Scarlet Ibis" was embarrassed about teaching Doodle to walk because he hadn't asked his parents' permission.

12. The Scarlet Ibis is a symbol for Doodle because it could not move or make a sound.

13. The speaker in "The First Lesson" is a swimming instructor.

9. To determine how Ted and Jasmine are developed in contrast to one another, you should closely analyze the descriptions of their fears of the unknown, emotional reactions, and interactions with their parents in the story. Look for specific examples and instances where these aspects are highlighted for each character. Pay attention to how their fears, emotions, and interactions differ from one another, which will help you understand the contrast between them.

10. Identify the point of view by considering who is narrating the events in the story "My Brother's Keeper." Look for clues in the text that suggest who the perspective is coming from. For example, if the story is written in first person using pronouns like "I" or "we," it indicates that the narrator is one of the characters. Alternatively, if the story is narrated in third person using pronouns like "he," "she," or character names, it means the perspective is separate from the characters' thoughts. Keep track of the narrative voice throughout the story to determine the point of view.

11. Analyze the thoughts and actions of the narrator in "The Scarlet Ibis" to understand why they were embarrassed about teaching Doodle to walk. Look for passages or descriptions where the narrator explains their feelings or motivations for teaching Doodle. Consider whether they hurt Doodle, acted without permission, were motivated by Doodle's disability, or were influenced by a dare from friends. Pay attention to any internal dialogue or reflections that provide insight into their embarrassment.

12. To understand why the scarlet ibis is a symbol for Doodle in "The Scarlet Ibis," analyze the characteristics and behaviors attributed to the bird throughout the story. Look for comparisons or connections made between the ibis and Doodle. Consider whether the bird being hatched from a caul, thriving only in the warm climate, its inability to move or make a sound, or if being out of place from the beginning relates to Doodle's experiences or circumstances. Look for the symbolism conveyed through these connections.

13. Determine the speaker in "The First Lesson" by closely examining the narration and dialogue in the story. Look for indications of who is speaking, such as the use of first-person pronouns ("I") or references to the speaker's identity. Pay attention to the perspective and voice presented, as this will help you identify if the speaker is a child, a daughter, a parent, or a swimming instructor. Consider the tone, language, and emotions expressed to determine the speaker's role in the story.

oops typo on 13. the answers are

a child
a daughter
a parent
a swimming instructor